Icons & text

  • Connect to Nature in an Authentic Way

    Learn how to connect to nature through plant sits, and seasonal, lunar, and elemental earth rhythms.

  • Identify Whats Growing and What to Grow!

    Are you wondering how to see plants? We will cover some identification basics, and how to integrate more plants into your landscape, no matter where you live.

  • Wild Harvests and Preparations

    Learn the basics when it comes to foraging and creating your own extracts and food from wild and garden-grown plants

Course curriculum

    1. An Introduction from Nicole Telkes

    1. Welcome to Lesson one: Plant Identification

    2. Slides from Class

    3. Downloadable resource for Plant ID

    4. Assignment: Plant Identification

    5. Plant Identification Quiz

    1. Recording of Class 2 Connecting to Plants

    2. Connecting to Plants Slides

    3. Assignment: Plant Sit

    1. Wildcrafting for Herbalists Recording

    2. Slides for Wildcrafting for herbalists

    3. Locate and Identify a plant!

    1. Garden Apothecaries Video

    2. Slides Class 4: Garden Apothecaries

    3. Easy Herbs to Grow by Region

    4. Design your Dream Garden

    1. Link for Class Recording

    2. Slides from Class 5: Fresh plant Medicine Making

    3. How to Dry and Store Herbs Properly

    4. How to Make a Flower Essence: Example Borage Essence

    5. How to make Fresh Plant Extracts

    6. Make your Own Flower Essence or Whole plant Extract!

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content


Director, Founder, Lead Instructor Nicole Telkes

Awarded 2019 Community Service Award American Herbalists Guild for my work Freeing Fire Cider. Awarded 2019 Community Builder Award American Botanical Council for my work Freeing Fire Cider. I believe strongly in herbal medicine being “the people’s medicine” and putting “an herbalist in every home.” As a deep ecologist, I focus on “weedcrafting” bioregional native and naturalized medicinal plants in herb practice. I have worked full time as a herbalist for over two decades and have a great passion for the green path and education. I teach all levels of herb classes, and present at conferences and symposiums which in the past have included The American Herbalist Guild National Symposium; Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference, International Herb Symposium, The American Botanical Council's Herb Day Event, The NE Women's Herbal Symposium, The Traditional Roots Institute's Symposium, The Native Plant Society of Texas Symposium, Plant Medicine Online Summit, The Grow Network's Home Grown Summit, Mother Earth Living Fair, and the Moonflower Herbfest I have provided clinic Support for WTO Seattle, Common Ground Health Clinic, Occupy Medical, and a Sundance Clinic. I've been published in Earth First! Journal, Plant Healer, and The Home Herbalist Magazine, and AHG Newsletter. In 2016, I founded a chapter of Herbalists without Borders. I am a founding member of the Traditions Not Trademark Campaign to Free Fire Cider and won a 4 year federal court battle proving genericism and returning the term back to the herbal community. I am the author of the book the Medicinal Plants of Texas. To schedule an appointment or obtain herbs from me, please contact me here or go to www.nicoletelkes.com